MINISTRIES : Altar Servers | Eucharist | Environment & Art | Faith Development | Funeral | Lectors | Music | Hospitality | Liturgy
SACRAMENTS : First Eucharist & First Reconciliation | Confirmation | Christian Initiation | Marriage Preparation | Baptism
SACRAMENTS : First Eucharist & First Reconciliation | Confirmation | Christian Initiation | Marriage Preparation | Baptism

First Eucharist is a very important time in a child's life. Children in grade 2 or above who have been baptized are able to participate in preparing for First Eucharist. Our team interacts with and supports parents as they prepare their children for this very special sacrament. Our ministry is accomplished through a parents' meeting, a children's workshop, the Rite of Enrollment, bread making for Eucharist, as well as other preparation meetings.
First Reconciliation is a sacrament that teaches forgiveness. Learning to ask for forgiveness, learning to forgive others, and learning to forgive ourselves is a very important part of any life. There is a parents' meeting as well as a children's workshop to help our children prepare for this sacrament. Children in grade 3 or beyond who have been baptized and received First Eucharist are eligible to begin preparation for this sacrament.
First Reconciliation generally takes place during a weekend in the month following Easter. If you would like to volunteer your time to act as First Reconciliation Coordinator or be part of the committee, please contact the parish by emailing [email protected].