Belief Statement | History | Pastoral Team | Pastoral Council | Finance Committee | Financial Reports | Committees | Cemetery | St. Anthonys Mission
Parishioners who represent all others in overseeing parish administration.
Church Committee Members
Father Savoie
Marc Robichaud, Chairperson
George Stevens
Dee Dee Holland
Beverly Flynn
Nancy Roy
Art Roy
Phil Gallant
Kelly Honeyman
Father Savoie
Marc Robichaud, Chairperson
George Stevens
Dee Dee Holland
Beverly Flynn
Nancy Roy
Art Roy
Phil Gallant
Kelly Honeyman
PARISH COMMITTEE - is looking for new members. If interested, please contact the church office.
LITURGY VOLUNTEERS – For those of you that would like to help at St. Alphonsus, please let Wendy know at 832-3327. We are always looking for help – for example, readers, counters, Arts & Environment, servers and music ministry, to mention a few.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - The Knights of Columbus are accepting new members. The amount of time you put in is completely up to you, every little bit is a big help. For information on becoming a member of this charitable, faith-filled organization, please call Art Roy at 832-4652.